Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 38 : Life In A Cubicle

Okay, I've opened my word processor now and thinking of what to write about. After all it’s been two days that I've posted something here, and that by definition violates the reason this space was made for.

So, let's see. The past two days have been pretty hectic. I mean more hectic than usual, obviously. Been working long hours in office, which isn't anything new, but for past two days actually experienced the workload. Damn, couldn’t have left my workstation for more than five minutes at a stretch.

The truth is, yes the burden of it all is overwhelming, still I am sort of actually enjoying the experience.

Whenever some colleague starts complaining how bad the situtation is, I sort of rewind to the time when I was a kid and heard the elders complain about how busy or tired they felt. Back then, being the little cauldrons of energy that we were, we never understood what they were crying over.

We always pictured our folks sitting at a desk punching numbers, shuffling papers and yelling to each other over telephones. At least that's what all the TV shows showed office life to be like. And we used to think we go to school, do all the study and activity there, come home, play sports with other kids in the block, fight with a few, and come home, do homework, eat vegetables and go to sleep only to wake up again the next day to repeat the same cycle all over again. What the heck were these grownups complaining about?

Now I sort of do realize how exhausting spending a better part of one's day in a cubicle can be. I mean what most of us do in a regular day's work still is just sitting on our butts all day and pushing keys on a keyboard. Most of us never even break a sweat in all the time that we are inside our air-conditioned cubicle. But at the end of the day, we feel just as drained as a coal miner coming home after a 12 hour shift.

I for one, abnormally, am actually enjoying it nonetheless.

Every new day there is something new to learn. Every new day something new has gone wrong. Every new day we fix it and bring order to chaos. (Some of these so-called calamities, are blown so out of proportion!)

Yes since I spend the majority of my day in office, my actual life is in limbo. But then that is not like a permanent thing ,right. I can always go back to being the animal that I was in college. Right?

I suppose that is just novelty/naivety talking. I am still only over a couple of years into this lifestyle so maybe the monotony of it all has not kicked in yet. Maybe it will all go scary for me too somewhere down the line. And it would be too late to salvage anything of our personal lives then. Hunh.

I hope I still have a few more good years in store for me. I really am enjoying myself right now.
(Minus the long hours)

Today, I hope to God I go home early.


  1. Well for first four or five years, we never realize it. But complain, boredom etc do creep in at later stage. Well written.

    1. Well if that is the case, I do better start making the best out of the good couple of years left in me!
      Thanks for reading, Binod. Do come back. :)
