Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 2 : Why I still believe Jon Snow is not dead
(book proof)

Valar morghulis.

I know I've written about this before, reasoning why I would not yet mourn Jon Snow. I simply won't believe his part in the Game is done yet. Every epic has their own set of prophecies and theories. ASOIAF's R+L=J , The Three-Headed Dragon theories don't hold up with the Lord Commander out of commission. This guy just has to be alive. Has to.

With this wishful thinking always on the back of my mind, I've been reading G R R Martin's epic books to find some more insight into what the author might be planning of one of his most favorite characters. Reread the first three books, and scoured the internet for every single obscure name or legend in it wondering this could be the hint we've been looking for. Do remember, these books have been around for nearly two decades now so almost every single noun in this book has a wiki page of over a thousand words defining it. So snooping for hints isn't an easy task in these books.

And now, reaching the 5th book of the series. Enters this guy -

This seemingly bad-ass wildling goes by the name of Varamyr. He was one of the wargs in cahoots with the King-Beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder. He and Orell were of same troop who were assigned with the task of scouting for Crows during the raid of the Wall. Orell's animal was an eagle which proved to be very adept at getting info on the Wall's defenses. Orell gets killed by Melisandre for that little nuisance. The below excerpt is from the prologue of A Dance with Dragons, just a dozen pages into the book you can find Varamyr discussing of Orell's opinion about Jon Snow. 

Read this - 

Jon Snow is a warg!

Just like his half brother Bran, Lord Snow can sense his direwolf Ghost's feelings and senses, and also when sleeping can travel into the beast's skin to be its conscious. Unlike Bran though, Jon hasn't yet knowingly changed his skin or realized the do's and don'ts of the whole concept of  skinchanging. Bran had greenseer Jojen to help him, Jon doesn't. So he, and us the reader, don't yet know the extent of his prowess or lack of it.

But as Varamyr states above - The gift is strong with this one.

In one other tense incident in the book, Jon Snow is facing off with a impertinent Janos Slynt. We get to know that the Bastard of Winterfell knows that a lot of his brothers are talking behind his back and how most of them think the bond between him and Ghost is very strange indeed. But Jon is still not ready to admit this to himself. The responsibilities of leading the Night's Watch and that of preparing of the inevitable stand off with the Others takes most of his time to think of anything else. He as lot on his plate. So all us readers can do now is wait till he realizes his truth soon.

Now that the books and the series are supposedly on the same point in time. As there are only two more books in the offing and a lot possible battles and storylines to be explored, we can be sure that the next book could have a lot of exciting news ahead. The next book is going to be be out in the second half of the year.

Here's to hoping to all of the seven gods that the last of the books don't make us wait this long. And here's to hoping Mr Martin manages to stay hearty and healthy till all the writing is done.


  1. Quite amusing and Sci-Fi sort of experience.Keep surprising your Readers.

    1. Mission accomplished then. Glad that you liked it, Dias. Keep coming back! :)

  2. I can see a lot of facts and excitement above. Good research!

    But above all, I just smiled when I read your last paragraph :)

    1. Well how can there not be excitement. This is GOT after all! War is coming!!
