Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 5 : What's the point? - Weekend musings

What sets us apart from other creatures in the animal kingdom is our capacity for feeling and taking decisions based on our feelings and intuition. That's the one things which has brought us this far. It would sad to come this far to only loose our grip on that. Back to the jungle.
Lord of the Flies style.

We still have some residue of the jungle in us. We still feel a weird serenity in the woods and in the open sea. A calm. We always will have that. That beast is always in us. That's what lashes out at everything when we're cornered.

There is also it's curiosity within us that pops out sometimes. Little macabre curiosity in us all. It wants us to go back to our basics. To know what would happen when we all went tribal. How would we fare. How would we fare in a world without the amenities of the concrete jungle. How would we fare if we just left everything. Just drop off the face of the civilized world, as it were.

The survivalists keep preaching none of us stand a chance. That we won't get through a week, by the end of which we would all be begging for the comfort of civilization. They say evolution has made us weak, we just aren't capable of the scavenging rummaging life of the wilderness. The strength in our limbs has been exchanged for better brains, now used basically for consuming online content and useless information.

Twilight Zone had it right. We are just not prepared anymore. Too weak. Too vulnerable. Humans are at the top of the pyramid only because we outnumber everything stronger than us. And that would be our downfall too. We are not made to survive this planet. We're going down, and we're taking everything with us. It's all completely pointless.

~ ~ ~

Oh, yeah. Happy thoughts. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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