Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 4 : They probably didn't know we even existed.
Yet we will mourn them.

Whenever a celebrity passes away the media makes a big fuss about it. Yes it is a loss. But the bigger the star, the bigger the noise. Nobody ever reports as much about lesser known ones. Don't there loss on this planet makes a dent?

I've always thought in those lines, except this time.. 

David Bowie                          Robin Williams

When the news spread about Robin's passing, I was dumbstruck. That was a first. I have known death, yes. But of people I know. I have experienced the sorrow and shock of their demise. And the notion of the unknown abyss has always scared me. But Mr Williams was someone I didn't know personally. We've never probably been on the same country at the same time. I have always enjoyed him as a child from the great movies and comedy shows and interviews. So obviously his passing did matter to me, but I just didn't expect it bring on such sudden rush of emotion. His amiable smile and easily excitable persona. The bawdy jokes. That one still from Aladdin. Of Genie embracing his street urchin friend with a single drop of tear flowing down his cheek. Damn. The feels even now.

No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me

Mr Bowie on the other hand, I'd only been acquainted with recently. There was this quote of his in the beginning of The Breakfast Club that I remember liking a lot. And also I remember him being mentioned a dozen times in one of Craig Ferguson's shows. But when I heard Heroes and Space Oddity, a couple of months back it was surreal. Here was one weird, quirky, extremely funny guy making art which was way ahead of his times. And he was very very good at it too. Has worked with all of my favorite artists. He even had taken over half a dozen persona throughout his career like Dylan. Plus he is a science-fiction icon. Has acted in some very awesome cult sci-fi movies. He's been a singer, producer, painter, actor, producer, writer, everything. And I've just begun to love every part of it. Have you heard his new album yet? It was released just this year! Damn. Taken away too soon.

This is Major Tom to Ground Control / I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way / And the stars look very different today

RIP Spaceman. RIP Patch. You'll be missed.

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