Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day 7 : A Dance With Dragons
Part 1 : Dreams and Dust - Book Review

Ever since the Feast. I was so thirsty for some well deserved action. That book was devoid of any such events. I've written all about it on my A Feast For Crows review. This is not about that, this is about the Dance.

Mr Martin did mention earlier that Feast and Dance took a long while to complete because the earlier manuscripts of the books were huge and him and his editors were at their wits end to scale it down to make them a little more feasible to print. Hence he had partitioned them into geographical regions instead of chronologically. All events in Feast happen in the South and in Dorne. In Dance the events happen in the North and the Lands of First Men and Slaver's Bay. Hence you will see a lot of conflict and actual excitement as compared to the palace intrigues and vanity of Westeros.

And most importantly Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister are back. Hooyah.

Jon Snow since being chosen the Lord Commander has begun to realize how badly prepared the realm is against the real enemies. His empathy with the wildlings and Ned-Stark-ish honor is earning a lot of bad blood from the Crows. The Nights Watch has now become a sort of inn keeper to first Stannis and his Red Preistess, then the wildlings, then the people of Mole's Town. And he hardly has enough resources to feed the lot of them. The cold, the Others, and his hard rule is building up tension within his men. And what little friends he has he intends to disperse to other Castles along the Wall to man them as good as the Watch could against the Wights and Walkers.

The Imp after fleeing from the King's Landing for slaying his own father, now finds himself overflowing with guilt and in the undercarriage of strange ships. The Spider has arranged for his travel towards the Slavers Bay. Where he has advised Tyrion to team up with the Targaryen princess and help her win the Iron Throne. Tyrion as we know only does things his way, and finds himself in quite a messy situation. Albeit with the return of another favorite character. And introductions of many more characters that shed more light to the claim of the Targaryen heirs to the Throne and what came about to keep them alive long enough to try sitting on it.

There were many other POV chapters as well -

Daenerys finds herself stuck ruling a city where half the population hates her guts, while the other half is getting killed off ones the sun sets. She now also has amassed quite an array of counsels, many whose advise and prowess helps her keeping her rule. But the one thing that helped her so far is lost to her cause. The dragons. They grow faster and stronger and wilder than she had expected and cannot be controlled anymore.

Bran Stark, has now traveled farther north than any of his brother ever has. He has met the greenseer and is learning a lot about his role in the Wars, present and the ones yet to come. Jojen isn't too well though.

Davos Seaworth, is as trustworthy loyal to Stannis as ever but personally keeps losing anything that he holds dear. But his simple ideals and manner helps Stannis a lot in the end.

Reek, well. He is not doing too well. And by the looks of it, he is going to remain that way for a long time yet.

Asha wanted to be queen. The Ironborn thought otherwise.

Victarion Greyjoy, Balon's younger brother who is elected as the Iron King instead of her has taken all of the might of the Ironmen to the towards the West. He means to sit on the Iron Throne. There's a bad idea if there ever was one.

The Dorne, this is the kingdom that the Red Viper (he was so cool!) was loved and revered by all. His death by the hands of the Lannisters has angered many here. Most importantly the Sand Snakes, his bastard girls. They are all angry, and are plotting with their cousin, the daughter of Doran Martell, to tumble the Lannister's rule. Well. They try to.

Areo Hotah, he doesn't talk much or do much. Except sharpening his longaxe or cleaving heads of his enemies with them. But he listens all.

Barristan the Bold, he is also the same. He listens to all. But also is one of the most loyal and true adviser to the Mother of Dragons.

Jamie Lannister, is busy running along the Tully lands trying to bring it back to the Iron Throne's rule. He is a very smart guy. Not Tyrion smart. But a very good commander indeed. Pity his hand got chopped off, would've made a good ruler.

Cersei Lannister, the woman of Rock is pretty handful isn't she. She has finally got what she has always wanted. To be the one who calls the shots, and she is blowing it real bad. Everything that Tywin ever worked for and achieved, she has already destroyed in just a matter of months. And to come of it, her younger son sitting on the Throne is not even half as vile as Joff.

Varamyr Sixskins, a character introduced and killed off in the prologue itself. But presents a very interesting theory for the Jon Snow is alive theory.

This book has been a breeze. So many things were happening that the pages were just flying through. Loved this one. And even the backstory that were plugged into it has been enlightening and not tedious as in Feast. Already into Part 2. Excited!

~ ~ ~

P.S. Rickon, Osha is MIA. Where in the seven hells are they?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 6 : Is it ever a good idea to argue with a stupid person?

NO. duh.

Some famous guy in a famous black 'n white picture famously said - 
"Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come."

I think nothing is as tiresome as an idea for which there never is a right time.

Everyone has obviously must have had their share of lousy ideas and ideals in their youth that the wisdom of age and experience has taught to be complete folly. But there are yet a bunch of raging buffoons out there that not only still hold onto these notions but over time have grown to take these buffoonery as decree. There are time when you would give anything to grab their heads and yank it about in hope of help some sense seep into it. But there is never really much hope of that either. You are a usually sensible person. And you generally like to talk sense. These stupid people would have nothing to do with sense. They cannot stand the idea of having to fight on the rational thought. Why fight fair and lose when you can be a bigot and win?

An idea is like a fart. Everyone thinks there's smell of roses. And when accused of a bad rip people would just as likely, blame on anybody else in their vicinity. That is the easiest way of an unpleasant situation. Just relieve yourself of any responsibility of any outcome of your bigotry and put the blame on anyone vulnerable to it.

People love to hate. People love differences within themselves. Anything that would enable them to stand above other people in stature. On would enable them to be able to deem them queer and rally other like minded zealots against them. We love to hate on anyone who is not like us. We love to think of them as inferior or vile. We like to think what they do or wear or love or pray to are against the rules of Nature and religion. They would regret their choices in this life or the next. And we would get the chance to point at their torment and say smugly. "Told you so."

The idea that we are any superior or blameless just by virtue of our ideals and belief is stupid
The idea that people who don't look or talk or mate or pray like are evil is stupid.
The idea that people different from us are out to takeover the world and recruit our children to their schemes is stupid.
The idea that we are only can keep the world pure and devoid of their evil is stupid.
The idea that we are any better than anyone else in any way is STUPID.

We are equally weak and delinquent. Each with their own measure of guilt in them. We are equally victims. equally culprit. Our strengths comes from our uniqueness and the differences that we bring to the table.

If we were all the same and why would <Whoever You Pray To> make us so different?
Even <He/She/It> celebrated our uniqueness and shades of humanity and beliefs.

Why hate? Why discriminate? Why so stupid?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 5 : What's the point? - Weekend musings

What sets us apart from other creatures in the animal kingdom is our capacity for feeling and taking decisions based on our feelings and intuition. That's the one things which has brought us this far. It would sad to come this far to only loose our grip on that. Back to the jungle.
Lord of the Flies style.

We still have some residue of the jungle in us. We still feel a weird serenity in the woods and in the open sea. A calm. We always will have that. That beast is always in us. That's what lashes out at everything when we're cornered.

There is also it's curiosity within us that pops out sometimes. Little macabre curiosity in us all. It wants us to go back to our basics. To know what would happen when we all went tribal. How would we fare. How would we fare in a world without the amenities of the concrete jungle. How would we fare if we just left everything. Just drop off the face of the civilized world, as it were.

The survivalists keep preaching none of us stand a chance. That we won't get through a week, by the end of which we would all be begging for the comfort of civilization. They say evolution has made us weak, we just aren't capable of the scavenging rummaging life of the wilderness. The strength in our limbs has been exchanged for better brains, now used basically for consuming online content and useless information.

Twilight Zone had it right. We are just not prepared anymore. Too weak. Too vulnerable. Humans are at the top of the pyramid only because we outnumber everything stronger than us. And that would be our downfall too. We are not made to survive this planet. We're going down, and we're taking everything with us. It's all completely pointless.

~ ~ ~

Oh, yeah. Happy thoughts. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 4 : They probably didn't know we even existed.
Yet we will mourn them.

Whenever a celebrity passes away the media makes a big fuss about it. Yes it is a loss. But the bigger the star, the bigger the noise. Nobody ever reports as much about lesser known ones. Don't there loss on this planet makes a dent?

I've always thought in those lines, except this time.. 

David Bowie                          Robin Williams

When the news spread about Robin's passing, I was dumbstruck. That was a first. I have known death, yes. But of people I know. I have experienced the sorrow and shock of their demise. And the notion of the unknown abyss has always scared me. But Mr Williams was someone I didn't know personally. We've never probably been on the same country at the same time. I have always enjoyed him as a child from the great movies and comedy shows and interviews. So obviously his passing did matter to me, but I just didn't expect it bring on such sudden rush of emotion. His amiable smile and easily excitable persona. The bawdy jokes. That one still from Aladdin. Of Genie embracing his street urchin friend with a single drop of tear flowing down his cheek. Damn. The feels even now.

No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me

Mr Bowie on the other hand, I'd only been acquainted with recently. There was this quote of his in the beginning of The Breakfast Club that I remember liking a lot. And also I remember him being mentioned a dozen times in one of Craig Ferguson's shows. But when I heard Heroes and Space Oddity, a couple of months back it was surreal. Here was one weird, quirky, extremely funny guy making art which was way ahead of his times. And he was very very good at it too. Has worked with all of my favorite artists. He even had taken over half a dozen persona throughout his career like Dylan. Plus he is a science-fiction icon. Has acted in some very awesome cult sci-fi movies. He's been a singer, producer, painter, actor, producer, writer, everything. And I've just begun to love every part of it. Have you heard his new album yet? It was released just this year! Damn. Taken away too soon.

This is Major Tom to Ground Control / I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way / And the stars look very different today

RIP Spaceman. RIP Patch. You'll be missed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 3 : Crossed 3000 views. Yay!

Yup, you read that right. This blog was viewed for the 3000th time last night.

I still remember the day when my other blog crossed 10000 views, and the fuss I made over that milestone. It took nearly four years to get there, so I did get a little too excited about it. Now in just two years Irony is nearing its 20000th mark. And this one didn't take half as much time to get to the 3K milestone. <surprised smiley>

These blogs to which frankly I haven't been very faithful with, are being read by even a two people is still surprising to me. All this is so very new to me, and so very humbling. Thank you all very much. And do drop by again, anytime.

We still have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep.

(such a dork.)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 2 : Why I still believe Jon Snow is not dead
(book proof)

Valar morghulis.

I know I've written about this before, reasoning why I would not yet mourn Jon Snow. I simply won't believe his part in the Game is done yet. Every epic has their own set of prophecies and theories. ASOIAF's R+L=J , The Three-Headed Dragon theories don't hold up with the Lord Commander out of commission. This guy just has to be alive. Has to.

With this wishful thinking always on the back of my mind, I've been reading G R R Martin's epic books to find some more insight into what the author might be planning of one of his most favorite characters. Reread the first three books, and scoured the internet for every single obscure name or legend in it wondering this could be the hint we've been looking for. Do remember, these books have been around for nearly two decades now so almost every single noun in this book has a wiki page of over a thousand words defining it. So snooping for hints isn't an easy task in these books.

And now, reaching the 5th book of the series. Enters this guy -

This seemingly bad-ass wildling goes by the name of Varamyr. He was one of the wargs in cahoots with the King-Beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder. He and Orell were of same troop who were assigned with the task of scouting for Crows during the raid of the Wall. Orell's animal was an eagle which proved to be very adept at getting info on the Wall's defenses. Orell gets killed by Melisandre for that little nuisance. The below excerpt is from the prologue of A Dance with Dragons, just a dozen pages into the book you can find Varamyr discussing of Orell's opinion about Jon Snow. 

Read this - 

Jon Snow is a warg!

Just like his half brother Bran, Lord Snow can sense his direwolf Ghost's feelings and senses, and also when sleeping can travel into the beast's skin to be its conscious. Unlike Bran though, Jon hasn't yet knowingly changed his skin or realized the do's and don'ts of the whole concept of  skinchanging. Bran had greenseer Jojen to help him, Jon doesn't. So he, and us the reader, don't yet know the extent of his prowess or lack of it.

But as Varamyr states above - The gift is strong with this one.

In one other tense incident in the book, Jon Snow is facing off with a impertinent Janos Slynt. We get to know that the Bastard of Winterfell knows that a lot of his brothers are talking behind his back and how most of them think the bond between him and Ghost is very strange indeed. But Jon is still not ready to admit this to himself. The responsibilities of leading the Night's Watch and that of preparing of the inevitable stand off with the Others takes most of his time to think of anything else. He as lot on his plate. So all us readers can do now is wait till he realizes his truth soon.

Now that the books and the series are supposedly on the same point in time. As there are only two more books in the offing and a lot possible battles and storylines to be explored, we can be sure that the next book could have a lot of exciting news ahead. The next book is going to be be out in the second half of the year.

Here's to hoping to all of the seven gods that the last of the books don't make us wait this long. And here's to hoping Mr Martin manages to stay hearty and healthy till all the writing is done.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Day 1 : A Feast For Crows - Book Review

Finally made it through this damn book. I'd read a lot of posts online that this one is a tough nut to crack and would take some effort to get through. The second half of the book is well worth it though.

So let's see, here's where we all stand now in Westeros -
(spoilers! duh.)

Sam travels to Oldtown.
Snow wins the Wall.
Stannis is stuck in Storm's End.
Melissandre is still the b-word as ever.
Cersei makes a mess of things, via her only likeable/alive son.
Tommen is happy stamping his royal seals on every paper his mother places in front of him.
His wife Margaery is pretending to be a mini-Cersei, failing miserable at it.
Ser Loras has become a Kingsguard, trying to be close to his sister. So very Lannisterseque.
Jaime is minus a limb, but still more a righteous Knight than most.
High Sparrow brings forth the kinghts of the Seven Gods.
Arya is trying to 'see' the ways of the Many-Faced God.
Sansa trying the master the Game under Littlefinger's tutelage.
Petyr kisses her every chance he gets (that, surprisingly, really creeps me out for some reason)
Brienne scouring Westeros to find the Stark girls.
Asha tries to grab at the Seastone Chair, only to be humiliated.
Iron Islanders wreck havoc throughout the coasts of Westeros.
 Ellaria Sand and Sand Snakes try to avenge the death of the Red Viper.
Alayne tries to stage a coup with the Lannister ward in Dorne as a pawn.
Myrcella by the way is not so pretty anymore.
Arys is was introduced and snuffed out within the span of a dozen pages.
Darkstar fled the sands fearing Doran's rage, but mostly Hotah's axe.
Stoneheart is angry.
Edmure Tully and Blackfish are as honorably stoic as ever.
Freys are as craven and deceitful as ever.
Mountain is MIA
Hound is MIA.
Bran is MIA.
Bronn is MIA.
Theon is MIA.
Tyrion is MIA.
Varys is MIA.
Danerys is MIA.
Barristan is MIA.

The book is tedious in a lot of ways. Mostly because it spends a lot of time with the intrigues of King's Landing. Be it the Seastone Chair of the Iron Men or the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms, you soon begin to miss the dragons and the battles of Westeros. But with that yearning, also comes the dread of losing another beloved character. Even passing mentions of the Red Wedding in this book made me sad. Damn you Martin, you friggin' genius!