Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 70 : Who are you?

Most of the time when someone comes up to a stranger and asks who he/she was; the usual reply is that the person is an accountant, banker, journalist, engineer or something. Is that what we all are? Is that how we see ourselves? When come to think of our own existence do we all define this life of ours by what we do?

Maybe that's kind of obvious, maybe that would be how everyone'd define their lives. Though I think that is only because we are all now so habitual to taking the easy way out. We really hate raking our brains for anything these days. Any thought or feeling that cannot be tweeted out in 140 characters is not worth the effort. After all what do we really do in this day and age just for the sake of enjoying it and not for getting the maximum likes and re-tweets in social media?

Yes. The easiest answer to "Who am I?" is your job. That thing that you do to earn your living. And never really thought much of in the first place.

We all hate being put on the spot. Having to think of an answer to a question that can be so ambiguous and ambitious at the same time, is a big responsibility for our timid brains. It clearly is not equip to handle such sort of heavy digging. And even if we do chisel out a seemingly perfect answer for the question, who is to say that would be the end of it. Any conversation can go any which way based on this one question.

The social media sites have also caught on with this dilemma I suppose. Everyone wants to know "What's happening?" or "What's on your mind?" or "Tell me about yourself" We are all so constantly expected to able to churn out smart charming witty lines that soon we begin to filter and measure out everything that we say and do. And that seeps into our thought process. I don't think any of us really have had and original, personal idea in ages. What we think, and what we perceive of the world around is simply force-fed to us by the System. Yes, that does sound very Mr Robot-ish. But then, isn't that the truth?

I'd like for us to really change the way we think, act, and carry ourselves. We really need to have a personality that is of ourselves, and not a strange mixture of the people we admire or the see in the many screens of our devices. We do have a persona or character. Now that must have been buried under all the layers of BS we carry around each day, but trust me it is there. All we have to do is just really roll up our sleeves and go out have experiences. The more see, and do, and feel the more we learn about ourselves than anything or anyone else.

No one wants to know your job titles, except if you're looking for a job. Next time when someone asks, "who are you?" for Pete’s sake, just tell them your name and say that you read or fart or something.


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