Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 33 - To All The Pricks Of The Planet

I've always seen happiness as the thing that is supposed to enrich our standard of living. When we are cheerful it rubs off on the people around us. We treat them with more warmth and compassion, we have more affection to go around and we always have a kind word for everyone one. Our world is one big happy family.

Then there are those have a different world around them. My assumption is these are the ones who have this inane desire to be a jerk. The ones who are simply not having a happy life or are so not content with their own lives they take it upon themselves to spread the gloom around them. They not only whine about how they have it bad in every which way, but also are in a constant state of crap-mouth. They will put you down, treat you like dirt, and take every opportunity to point out your faults.

They think that by doing this they accomplish something. While honestly it kind of is the exact opposite of that. By doing all this they are just alienating the people around them. People are one of the basic ingredients for happiness. Shoveling themselves into a corner hole, from which there is no coming out just more depth of wallowing, they are just ensuring they never ever find happiness in their life at all.

I wish sometimes I could take these people by the shoulders and give them big a mighty shake. Dude, chill! You're going stroke yourself into an early grave if you keep going down this road. Be a little more gentle with the people around you. Sure you're not obligated to, but you surely are expected to be human once in a while. You are still human, aren’t you?

Being a crude, brash person is alright; I am one. But being a crude, brash person; with the sole intention to harm someone is not really a good thing. You are just showing the world how diminutive you hold your own self worth by having to pull down other people to your level to feel good about yourself.

Help people up, it will only heighten your place in the world. Putting people down, will only lead to gradually dragging yourself down.

Be good, my friend. As overrated as it seems, goodness does have its advantages. If nothing, there is an instant feeling of cheerful accomplishment in it. That’s not it. Well I wouldn't know how to exactly describe it, hope you try it some time and experience it for yourself.

As for others..

Today, have some sympathy and understanding for the pricks of the planet. They need help.

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