Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 34 : Look Up From Your Mobile Screens

My daily commute to work my favorite part of the day.

I travel by train for thirty minutes to reach office. There is a lot disruptive internet connection along the way so I turn off the mobile data. This in turn gives me half an hour of social media black hole. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, more importantly no WhatsApp. Darn there are way too many groups and people online everywhere, leading to a bunch of useless notifications propping every few seconds. And as much as I try not to, I do end up unlocking and checking the notifications out of habit to see if anything has come up in my direction. For me it has become like a second nature now. It’s a disease.

There was this really awesome video on this - 'Look Up.' A spoken word film for an online generation

This was a hard hitting video on how our online presence in social media is damaging this generation's interpersonal skills. Inevitable went on to become viral in YouTube, Facebook and all the other social networking sites. The sites that played villain in this film. Humph, ironic.

Anyways, coming back to talk about today's train ride. I was as usual sitting there with a song (Rahman’s) blasting away in my earplugs, idly watching out the window to the buildings and roads running past by the railroad tracks. Soon got bored of it, and turned my head into the compartment for another of my favorite daytime pastime; people watching.

Almost everyone in the train had the earplugs on. Almost everyone had their heads bowed down in utmost reverence to the little rectangular idol spurting light and words like LOL and ROFL and GFY. Some people I could see were mating little images of candies to each other on their Candy Crush apps, quite obsessively. Some were watching TV shows or movies on their mobiles, which I personally feel is a grave insult movies were not made to be watched on such a small screen.

The crowd that made me feel most uneasy was a bunch of college kids. There were nine of them. I could easily make out that four of them were a thing, as in GF/BF, and then there were three other guys and two girls who by their looks of uncomforted were naturally the third wheels of this group.

The thing that made me uneasy was not disparity in their amorous equality; it was their lack of attention to each other. The third wheels naturally were doing something of their own to occupy their time. This mostly should include pulling each other’s legs, especially the couples, raunchy jests at their professor’s expense, the like. But here, they were all also bowed down to their mobile screens. Yes, there was always someone saying something and the rest listening or at least pretending to. I am sure no one had any idea what the whole conversation was about.

The couples were no better, one pair had a girl who was shopping for something on the Flipkart app while the guy who had been trying to say something to her, soon gave up and plugged his earpiece and started watching out the window. In the whole group the other couple were the only people that showed some potential, sure they played that Surfer game for a bit but at least they were doing it together.

Now I think I hated seeing them. Their lack of friendship. I'd like to think that it was just one of those days when they all had something to do than spend time with each other. But when I sit and think of the things that they felt were so important than spending time with each other, I feel queasy. Come on, you can always play that stupid game when you’re alone. Is it that important to do it right now?!

I don’t think I have any right to accuse them of anything when I’ve done that so many times myself, especially at home when there is a stupid movie going on. Movie watching has always been the family-time in my household. I sort of see it slipping away.

I believe Gary Turk did mean something by that video. I think we are all going down a very troublesome road.

Today, I plan to shut off the notifications on my mobile. And hope to keep my hands off of it more each day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 33 - To All The Pricks Of The Planet

I've always seen happiness as the thing that is supposed to enrich our standard of living. When we are cheerful it rubs off on the people around us. We treat them with more warmth and compassion, we have more affection to go around and we always have a kind word for everyone one. Our world is one big happy family.

Then there are those have a different world around them. My assumption is these are the ones who have this inane desire to be a jerk. The ones who are simply not having a happy life or are so not content with their own lives they take it upon themselves to spread the gloom around them. They not only whine about how they have it bad in every which way, but also are in a constant state of crap-mouth. They will put you down, treat you like dirt, and take every opportunity to point out your faults.

They think that by doing this they accomplish something. While honestly it kind of is the exact opposite of that. By doing all this they are just alienating the people around them. People are one of the basic ingredients for happiness. Shoveling themselves into a corner hole, from which there is no coming out just more depth of wallowing, they are just ensuring they never ever find happiness in their life at all.

I wish sometimes I could take these people by the shoulders and give them big a mighty shake. Dude, chill! You're going stroke yourself into an early grave if you keep going down this road. Be a little more gentle with the people around you. Sure you're not obligated to, but you surely are expected to be human once in a while. You are still human, aren’t you?

Being a crude, brash person is alright; I am one. But being a crude, brash person; with the sole intention to harm someone is not really a good thing. You are just showing the world how diminutive you hold your own self worth by having to pull down other people to your level to feel good about yourself.

Help people up, it will only heighten your place in the world. Putting people down, will only lead to gradually dragging yourself down.

Be good, my friend. As overrated as it seems, goodness does have its advantages. If nothing, there is an instant feeling of cheerful accomplishment in it. That’s not it. Well I wouldn't know how to exactly describe it, hope you try it some time and experience it for yourself.

As for others..

Today, have some sympathy and understanding for the pricks of the planet. They need help.

Day 32 : Goodness v/s Hal 9000

Of late I've become more conscious of the concentration Sci-Fi genre in pop culture. It always there yes, but mainly was cornered in a handful of bookshelves in a niche store. Now they are mainstream - Interstellar to name recent entry to this category – and encouraging a lot more cerebral discussions over the whole final frontier adventures. 

Science fiction consists of spaceships, astronauts, unknown planets in strange galaxies habituated with people who are in a lot many ways different from us. In the earlier works, I've only read a few I confess, mostly contained the alien race having limbs and bodies like ours; only they were infinitely advanced than us both psychologically and technologically. The later works, Avatar as an example, brought the hive-mind, or specie made of light or specie that is pure oxygen with no limbs as such. All these beings are a strong race and we were the weaker ones. They were the dominant ones, we were either subservient or defiant. In some books that started off all lovey-dovey between the races, the our tendency of greed and manipulation comes into action and thus spoil all the fun for the rest of mankind. There inevitably is a war in almost all of these books.

This movie still gives me the goosebumps

But there is also one thing common in these books. Our belief for the unknown, and our distrust in our own self. We are so convinced of the evil in each human being that writing a book without it showing up is a treason of sorts. There is always a character like Matt Damon's, or the Hal 9000, who comes in with an animalistic hunger for survival or the old familiar combination of greed and ego an causes the cause the conflicts in the story. Goes to show how much high regard he hold for our own specie.

This guy slyly lays out his master plan, the hero plays right into his trap, there is a grand battle between them, the villain almost wins and starts his victory speech; without his knowing that the hero is back on his feet and ready to kick his butt to smithereens. Happens every time. Most often the thing that gives strength to the hero is also something that is essentially a humane trait - like friendship, courage, love, faith, kindness.

You see, no matter how many times these books or movies bash humanity for its pithy ego, greed, spite and lechery; they always come back to our own basic emotions to be named as the savior of the day. Because in the end, we all want to believe that the good in us will conquer all evil. No matter how tough the urge is do harm, our tendency to care for our fellow brethren will overcome. 

I believe this faith that we have in each other is one the main reasons that we have survived for as long as we have on this planet. There have been innumerable evil and vile tragedies around the world, still happening, but our capacity to care for each other has helped us through it all. A few bad apples did not make the whole basket rotten.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 31 : Secret To Get Rid Of The Blues : Beaches

Today was sort of depressing. Not a lot matters to a person, who has for a long while who's considered himself a lost cause. And being around someone so down in the gutters, can make anyone feel very glum about life.

I have always been strong on the belief that we as specie have only been able to reach the point of greatness that we are in by doing extraordinary things with the things that nature has bestowed upon us. I mean look at us, we are not as strong as a bear, nor are we as fast as a wild cat. But still we are at the top of the food chain while others are barely surviving in the endangered species list. I don't suppose that's any individual's point to brag about, but still I think there is a lesson to be learned there.

We have immense capacity for greatness. Even if that greatness is not Aristotle or Da Vinci or Genghis Khan type of greatness but awesome nonetheless. We all were such a puny slimy thing when born. And look at us now; we each have a mind of our own and persona to boot. We are all our own creations, we should be really proud of ourselves.

Instead, we spend a large part of our lives whining about little things that we find not so pleasing about our lives. We feel so insecure about ourselves that we compare our lives and ourselves to everyone around us. When see one of friend's pictures partying in Bangkok, we say why not me? When we see updates of them going out with someone hot, we say why not me? When we see them getting promoted, we say why not me? When we see them winning awards or getting to travel overseas for work, we say why not me? I don't know, I suppose we do seem a little like Samwell Tarly. Forever self-depreciating.

But when we sit and think about it, aren't we being a bit tunnel sighted. I mean sure that guy is dating a hot chick, did you stop to think maybe he is also being cheated on? Sure that guy is travelling abroad; maybe that guy has had to leave behind his newborn child behind because of it. Sure that guy is partying in Thailand; maybe that guy lost lot money doing that. You see, there is another side to every news feed. Not everything that appears on your Facebook is gospel. Sit and think about it. Do you think you're life is any less glorious than any of them just because of lesser events or glossy pictures to show off?

You cannot measure your life with moments that are breathtaking and joyous. Nor can we indict it, based on the moments that hurt you or made you weep. Cumulatively, our lives are much bigger than these moments. And it is our responsibility to recognize that respect its grandeur. We are not handicapped by a few setbacks, nor are we empowered by a handful of good fortune.

When you feel you are going through a spree of screw-up. Take a break. Go to the beach; take a lungful of the warm stuffy air. Take a gander at the wide ocean spread out in front of you. See the sky high above, higher than any of the dreams and hopes you've set for yourself. Feel the small grains of sand between your toes. Feel your own self in the grand scale of things. See how tiny you are? Now imagine how puny your troubles really are.

You don't feel too intimidated by them now, do you?

We all go through rough patches of luck in life. It is inevitable. But while going through them, we must always remember that these are also the times when a man discovers his true potential.

So instead of whining and complaining, and give everyone around you the blues. Start being your optimistic, and give yourself a pat in the back for surviving so far in the fight.

Today, go to the beach.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 30 : Good Things Come To Those Who Wait For It.

When we were kids we were repeatedly preached that the best things in life come to those who work for it.

Then we came to learn, there are not many things in life that can be titled as "best". Even what we think is the best right now, might get replaced something shinier and attractive somewhere down the line. The "best" thing is only so perfect for us until it is the only thing that holds our attention, once something more interesting comes into our lives these things lose their glitter. And so - out of sight, out of mind.

Next we came to learn, there are a lot many things in life that won't be coming your way no matter how much you toil for it. Some things are simply always out of our reach. It stays dangling there like a carrot in front of a rabbit, and we are destined to eternally race towards it. We'd be so much better off not dreaming about these things, no matter how desirable they may be. Because more sorrow is caused by these things that we desire, than those that we deserve.

This should be a good point as any to insert my take on this:

Good things come to those who wait for it.

There is nothing more important in a person's life than having that feeling at least once in their lifetime that they've finally accomplished something worthwhile in their life. I think that is what we all live for, to die knowing that when we finally shed our mortal coil, we leave behind something for our fellow men to remember us by. Nobody likes to be forgotten.

But when you come to think of it, there are around 7.3 Billion people on this planet right now. There must have been probably a similar number of people passed through this planet since the dawn of time. How many names of these people do you know? Okay to make it more practical, let's assign each person on this planet to write down all the people they could think of, historical, blood relatives, that-guy-who-brought-the-milk, anyone. Do you think if we combined this humongous list together we would be able to find every man or woman, or others, ever lived on this planet?

Probably not.

So what is the point? What is the whole point of your planning, backstabbing, scheming and conniving your way into the history books? What is the whole point of competing with the guy next to you to achieve that something that given time would be easily forgotten?

Sure you will be remembered today, tomorrow, even for a couple of dozen years after you die. Does that really mean that much a big of an accomplishment?

I don't know. I think the best that we can hope for is do good by the people around us - the people whose lives matter to us and to whom our lives really do matter. During our own frigging lifetimes. Once I do pass away, I don't think I will really know if someone spells my name wrong, or if someone spreads the rumor that I listened to Justin Bieber. Frankly my dear, I don't think I would give a damn.

Our lives are really quite amazing. And if you are reading this, it would be safe to assume that you earn enough to have a computer or mobile phone with Internet access. There are people much worse than you. Yes, like people who do not have a Facebook account. So be grateful that you have a better life.

Instead of complaining and whining all day about not having that special thing that you worked so hard for such a long time; why don't you take your folks out for a dinner tonight? Or simply order in a Pizza, rent a movie and veg out in front of the television with you arms around a loved one. In the end, these are the only people who are going to think of you the longest and remember you for what you truly are. Love them, and cherish them with all your heart. They matter.

Today, make plans for doing something special. And actually do it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 29 : The World's Top Earning Authors

Okay. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bookworm. I love reading them, preserving them, researching them, nitpicking them, annihilating them, sleeping with/on/beside them, forcing others to read them. By extension, I've always had a love-hate relationship with the people who write them.

So, each year I Google for the writers who have made it big the previous year; mostly out of curiosity to see if my favorite ones, and partly out of jealousy and spite. The World's Top Earning Authors

2014 didn't surprise me much. This year as well the big bucks went to young-adult writers, long-standing crime series writers and creators of romance sagas. In other words Janet Evanovich, James Patterson, Nora Roberts. Sure there are still mentions of Dan Brown, John Grisham, Danielle Steel in the list; which is not so surprising knowing that they've written so many books so far that some are bound to sell in some corners of the world. Take Steel for example, 120 books, mostly romance sagas so it's bound to earn her some moola as long as there are teen girls dreaming of their prince charming. Same applies to Nora Roberts with her 145 romances. With the sheer number of tomes with their names/copyrights on it, they are bound to earn their keep each year even if the sit at home twiddling their thumbs all day.

The list also had Stephen King, who’s Doctor Sleep a sequel to The Shining released in late 2013 so he had earnings coming in from there through into 2014 from his die-hard fans (me included) who'd just gobble up anything his pen outputs. Same goes with J K Rowling, who had two releases in the Cormoran Strike series under the penname Robert Galbraith. The only reason we've helped her earn her paycheck, is because of her past wonderful magical works. I've only read the Cuckoo's Calling so far, umm it's alright, but then you cannot always expect her to churn out another character like Potter.

The real surprise entries in this year's list were Veronica Roth and Jeff Kinney.

Kinney writes the Wimpy Kid series which has been a huge success and has been made into a successful movie series. So as is the trend off late - if you get a movie based on your book, in comes the millions!

Next comes Roth, she's also 26 like yours truly, only she's 17 million dollars richer. She's the writer of the Divergent series, another YA fantasy/action trilogy much like Hunger Games. I've not read the book yet, but according to what I've heard about it's supposed be pretty addictive. There's also a movie based on this book starring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort, if that is not a recipe for teenager hit I don't know what is. In Wiki it says, it earned more that 150% for its budget in profits, so maybe my assumption is right even if the actors are playing brother and sister in this movie and not the star crossed cancer-patient lovers they were in FIOS. Another movie based on a book, who’s author also shows up in this list.

Plus, she is cute!

Each year, I read this list and each year I wonder. How do they do it? These are the people who have made it big doing what they love doing. Sure their quality of writing may differ (E L James = yuck!), or selling out to marketing hacks for higher profits (Collins), but despite all that they have earned enough to spend the rest of their days basking in the fame and frolicking in the riches. Some even are capable of using all that down time to hone their skills, and produce better their literary output in their later years (Wilbur Smith - "Desert God").

I have immense respect to any man or woman who is able to do something they love, create something out of thin air, and earn money for doing that each day for the rest of their lives. To these people each day is an adventure, not the ponderous torture chamber that it is for the rest of the 9-to-5 masses. That is why I am so jealous of Anthony Bourdain. He gets the big money to travel all over the world, eat delicacies and spout swear-words on camera.

These guys have actually figured it all out. But what is that exactly?

Today, I think I am going spend the day pouting and pondering.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 26 : The Random Guy On The Road

There is this one guy I came across recently. I don't remember the guy's name but he really was quite unique. His whole appearance was.

He looked like someone out of a Sergio Leone movie. He had deep face lines, strong sharp jaw, deep set eyes, a tight lip crease, his ears were sharp and upwards like his nose, a week’s stubble covered his face, he had a slender physique with a taut back, his arms were tanned and with callous hands and thick fingers. The look he gave you was piercing and openly challenging.

He wore tattered dirty shirt with sweat stains with seams that were too dark of dust and of wearing too long. He wore faded jeans, which probably weren't faded while store bought, the hems were torn and threadbare.

He spoke zero Hindi or very little of any other language I understood. He spoke some dialect of Gujarati I barely could comprehend. All I could decipher was that he was travelling to his hometown back from selling some garment clothes. At least that’s what I thought his sign language meant.

The reason I even got around to talking to this guy was because I was staring at his knuckles a bit too long and he began to feel uncomfortable and came at me. How was I to help myself? It was such a sight to behold. I asked him about what he did; he tried to communicate his profession to me in broken Gujarati, all I understood that he was a laborer of some sort, not the skilled kind I'd guess. That explained his physique. He was built like an ox.

Damn how I wish I had taken a picture of him.

This guy would have been some painter's or sculptors or photographer's vision a salt-of-the-earth guy. Like John Wayne or a less toothy Eli Wallace maybe. Yeah well, maybe Anurag Kashyap finds him to be the next Nawazuddin.

Today, I will think of that face while I see “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 18 - 25 : Old Friend's Wedding

Ah. Where shall I begin?!

This past week was so freaking amazing. Visited Gujarat after ages. And darn was it AWESOME!

Nothing compares to the feeling of belonging when you are with old friends. It's almost like coming home. The same old familiar jokes, same old familiar stories, and the usual banter and pushes and shoves. And if these friends happen to be of your college times, you can be guaranteed that things are going to be all the more eventful.

I remember one of my uncles’ say how the best times he had ever had and the best friends he had ever made were of when in college. Back then I was in high school and I sniggered at him thinking how I'd had the best gang of mates while in school and nothing would beat roaming around town with them in a borrowed cycle.

The wedding I was to attend was of a pair that had met in college and have been together ever since. So this wedding also was a special one. More of the old faces were compelled to make an appearance like me. The more the merrier.

When I looked around the dinner table when all of us were seated. I could see how we all were now in a very different place in our lives than how we were in college. A few of us married for a while now, a couple just newly married, no children as of now; but then that could change anytime as well. A few new marriages in the pipeline, by the year's end exactly half of my original group would be married. And why shouldn't it be so, after all it is nearly five years since we left college.

Damn. That’s a long time.

But I still feel overtly nostalgic about those times. We all do. We still recall the midnight card games, junk food, assignment completions. We all go gushy over the times when one of us got the kick by a girl, or when one of us actually got to go out with one. We all laugh of the times when we goofed off in class and pulled pranks on each other.

Damn. There are so many things.

But I still think not a lot has changed about any of us. Maybe we're all the same as we always were. Sure we've got fat, slim, rich, poorer, stingy, whatever. But we are still the same with each other as we were. We still torment each other with the same lame topics as we did earlier. And we still like and hate the same things about each other. I guess that's what friendship's all about. Being the same, always.

Today, I plan to spend a lot of time revisiting the old college picture's folder.