Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 74 : WTH

I haven't written here in a while. Yes, I have excuses for it. But no point giving it out here, they're excuses nonetheless. This blog does come to mind almost every other afternoon while I am at work. I even open up the 'new post' page a few times but something else comes up or I drift away to do something else. (ADHD much?)

Just goes to show how much importance we seem to give for our New Year’s resolutions.


Um. Let's see what we shall talk about today. I don't know really. All I thought about coming here today was, damn I really should be adding a post in there soon. I do intend to write something worth the while in here, but of late I don't find many things happening that can be really seen as positive in any way. There is this GoodNews site that I visit often, but even in there updates come too infrequently of late. I don't know if it's cuz they are downsizing in there, or whether it is just that even they are not finding enough good news floating around anywhere in the planet anymore. I do hope it's not the latter. And if it is the first, that would still count as not a GoodNews. (Irony?)

Every time I open the newspapers (or mostly any news site). The page is always filled with terror attacks/scares, shootings, killers on the loose, massacres, rapes, financial meltdowns, quakes, pollution, draught. Damn. No wonder people are so pissed off these days. Anger and chaos is what the newspapers are filled with.

At my work, whenever I open the Google News page, I am taken to the US Edition of the headlines. Couple of weeks back there was this shooting of a couple of early morning breakfast TV show hosts in Virginia, US. And you know what's more, as sad and devastating as the news of the killing was, the very next headline on that same page was about some celebrity being bitchy about some other female celebrity's comment about her. I don't know why, though they are both very different news sites and completely different topics, seeing them together like that made me feel like this was somehow trivializing the whole incident. Let the horror sink in just a little bit before you take our attention away to celebrity gossip.

I don't suppose that makes any sense to you. Let me elaborate.

These past couple of years there has been a big outburst of violence all over the globe, every single country has their own raising stats in the 'death by violent-crimes' category. That is the only are for any increase that I see for any country now. But I don't see people getting nabbed for their crimes at the same rate as the crimes are being committed. There are so many killings, and assaults, and violence in so many places.

Are we in some way collectively getting overly violent as a specie? Or has something really gone wrong along the way and we're all now destined to end up on the path of The Purge. And I am still not very sure how that thing works!

This bloody mess doesn't make any sense. When did such things get so common? Aren't things like such extreme violence and crazed psychotic episodes happen a few times a decade? Isn't this happening way too often now? Or is it just me. Am I only seeing this?

Apparently not... Watch this!

I am scared... I am scared for all of us... We are all collectively loosing our sh*t.